DevLog #9 Final touches before vertical slice!

It’s almost time for our vertical slice! 

Since the last DevLog, we focused on art to make our game presentable and more enjoyable for this special occasion. All collectable and craftable items have received a shiny new sprite or voxel 3D model by now, and we would like to showcase some of them in this DevLog.


Your alien customers know exactly what they want and won’t settle for any alternatives to their favourite STIM. Our aim is to make each item feel different so discovering a new item combination will always be exciting. In the mysterious world of STIM every collectable brings new unique possibilities for creation, and of course profit.

Sprites and models:

Future plans:

Our next focus on the art side will be decorating the interior of your ship where all the STIM trading is going to take place. We also want to spice up the planets to make each of them feel unique and alive, filled with different pieces of alien nature and mysterious landscapes. Our designer is working hard in close collaboration with the art team to deliver a polished section of one planet ready to be explored in the vertical slice. 

The next DevLog will cover feedback and changes made after the vertical slice so stay tuned for that!

We hope you are as excited as we are, let us know what you think about the visual style of STIM! Thank you for reading!

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