DevLog #0 So who exactly are StimTraders?

Welcome to the first DevLog of StimTraders!

We are a small group of 4th year game design students based in Ireland currently working on a Virtual Reality based simulation game about trading illicit narcotics in space! We are still currently very early in our build process and the team is working very hard on getting the best virtual reality game out there, which we are dubbing "The future of Virtual Reality space farming simulation". In the mean time how about we introduce ourselves!

Meet the Team

Aaron Heraghty - (Project Lead / Lead Programmer)

The lead developer as well as the project manager. Aaron will be making sure the game is running at it's highest standards while also trying not to break the game in the process  of adding in amazing new features.

Evan Rawl - (Design Lead / Lead Narrative)

Evan's skill with a quill is undeniable! Not only will he be creating the amazing story for the game but will also be creating much of the games design, to all the items/characters and dialog, he will also be creating the initial design for all the planets the player can explore.

Vulcan Chertaraev - (Lead Artist / Audio)

If you want amazing art and indulge in a beautifully made world, then Vulcan is your man! He will be creating some beautiful concept pieces over the next few weeks and will be finalizing them all to their full glory. He will be creating not only 2D art but will also be 3D modeling voxel art for our amazing game as well.

Hubert Matijuk - (Lead Audio / Artist)

For all audio needs, Hubert is your guy! He will be designing and creating amazing ambience sounds and music for the game that will really transform it to make it feel more "alive". On top of creating sounds for the game, Hubert will also be working with Vulcan closely to create the amazing art for our game.

Stay tuned for future devlogs every week! We are cooking up something amazing and....... "Out of this world"!


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What a handsome group of young men!