DevLog #1 What exactly is STIM?

Welcome to the first official DevLog of STIM! Today we'll be going over a quick gameplay synopsis of STIM.

STIM is a game about managing your own space farm in Virtual Reality aboard your very own retrofitted scavenger ship. Only, the fruits of your labour are... less than legal to put it bluntly. Lets go over some of the features we have currently implemented into the prototype of STIM!

Cultivating your Crops

Aboard your ship you can use seeds to plant and cultivate crops using planters like the one shown in this gif! The seeds can be purchased from the STIM Traders Network (an in-game market to sell your illicit goods and deliver product from requests) or harvested while adventuring planet-side. You'll start off small, but as your reputation (and wallet) grows you'll gain access to improved facilities, and larger scale production opportunities. Who knows what kind of strange, exotic and possibly gross product you can discover and cultivate for yourself?

Travel to Various Alien Worlds

In the back of your ship lies your handy teleporter, capable of transporting you to faraway locales! You'll have a few locales to choose from at the beginning, but others will cost you to open up for the future. These planets can be chosen by interacting with the interface in front of the teleporter and selecting GO. Once the portal opens, all that's left is to drum up the courage to step inside!

Once you've arrived planet-side you'll have free reign to explore the area, harvest materials using your equipment and haul back anything of value to your ship! You can use your useful multi-tool to harvest any rocks, trees, plants, etc. You can return to your ship by walking back through the portal you arrived from. There are many different planets to explore, each with their own flora and fauna to discover.

Selling your Goods

Hauling back loot from your adventures is made easy using the wrist mounted inventory system! Any object you wish to store can be placed within one of the pods on your wrist, making it simple to haul back anything valuable you wish to use, sell or grow aboard the ship. Alongside the inventory system, you'll be quipped with a smart watch that can be interacted with to display your current balance, time of day and more! As the game progresses you'll gain access to more inventory slots to make those expeditions even more profitable in the long term!

A simple, and quick way to sell your goods is by using the selling table, by placing the item you wish to sell on the table you can then pull the lever to the right to sell your selected item, and have your balance updated in a flash.

We hope this little overview of our concept so far gives you more of an understanding on what we're trying to create! We have so many ideas to work on and we're ver excited to share more with you all in the future!

Slán go fóill and thank you! - StimTraders

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