Devlog #7 First STIM Playtest

STIM just went through it's first ever playtest!

After weeks and tons of hours put into fixing the game and having it bug free, we managed to get the game through a quick little playtest today in college! It went quite well, about 90% of the feedback was very positive while the other 10% was to do with some directions we should of gone and gotten in before the playtest.

Some things to note from the feedback of the playtest:

  • Have it more easy for people to pick up objects (TEAMS NOTE: "We found people to be stumbling with the objects and having a hard time to pick them up, this will be changed by adding a line render to show the player what object they are trying to pickup to better highlight the item for them.")
  • Only having "snap" rotation instead of "smooth" (TEAMS NOTE: "This is only for the playtest, smooth rotation is in game but turned off for now as there is no in game settings as of yet, this will be part of that once it is done.") 
  • The music is too loud when stored in the backpack ((TEAMS NOTE: "We got multiple people asking this and this shall be fixed at a later update. We are going to turn down the initial volume, as well as adding a volume button to the in-game radio")
  • Items with active particles getting stored in the bag distorts the vision while walking (TEAMS NOTE: "In a later update this shall be fixed by turning off all particles on objects while they are being stored in the bag")
  • Playtesters found it hard to figure out what items should go on the multitude of in game tables (TEAMS NOTE: "This issue will be fixed as time goes on and we get more art for the game done. Lists of items will display above the tables showing the player what they can and can't do with each one.") 
  • Didn't know when an object is ready to be foraged (TEAMS NOTE: "Players didn't understand how many bullets an object should take, this is something we can do to change the players feel for foraging as we can add visible health bars in a sense to check how many bullets an object needs before it is harvestable.")
  • Can't stack objects in the bag as they can be only put into multiple slots (TEAMS NOTE: "This is something our coder didn't implement as they wanted to see how people would react to a limited amount of bag slots in the game. Their is now way too much feedback of wanting the feature in so it shall be done later down the timeline.)

And that was it from our playtest! It went very very well and we hope to get all these in before the next to give our players the most enjoyment out of the game.

Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more updates on the way!

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